Czech pilots train with the Helicopter Squadron

Lieutenants Pavol Herna and  Michal Krejčirik, pilots of the Czech Air Force are taking the helicopter pilot training with the Helicopter Squadron of the 93rd Air Base of the Croatian Air Force and Air Defence. The training administrator Major Marin Klarin (the Commander of the […]

Lieutenants Pavol Herna and  Michal Krejčirik, pilots of the Czech Air Force are taking the helicopter pilot training with the Helicopter Squadron of the 93rd Air Base of the Croatian Air Force and Air Defence. The training administrator Major Marin Klarin (the Commander of the 1st Flying Platoon of the Helicopter Squadron) informs us that the activity is conducted within the Multinational Aviation Training Centre project and has again proved the Squadron’s instructor capability, as it has so far trained pilots from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia. The Czech pilots are the first NATO nation flying personnel trained by the Squadron.  

The training comprises 60 flying hour and two modules – basic and VHF flying – and is administered in the English language, applying the programme composed for the Croatian flight training candidates . The training was requested by the Czech side and commenced in  October and will last till February 2017.

“So far the training has proceeded as planned“, said Major Klarin.  When the adverse weather conditions – such as the severe gusts of bora – preclude flying, the pilots take in-classroom preparation for the following flight activities, to maintain the momentum“.  

The first part of the training was conducted in the technical classroom, and applied theoretical training for the Bell-206B, while the flying training ensued in mid November. The first part of the basic module encompassed the basic elements of flying (taking off, landing, hovering, flying in the training area, simulation, concluded with a first solo flight. “The two pilots have demonstrated good mastery of the elements of solo flights and have performed them properly. Prior to coming to our Squadron they took the training on the Zlin aircraft and logged some 80 flying hours, so this is their first time flying the Bell-206B helicopters. 

The second part of the basic module is underway and comprises the landing and taking off from unprepared surfaces, practicing the procedures to follow in the event of an engine and other failures, flying either above or outside the airport. 

Upon successful completion of the basic module the pilots take navigation flying. 

“The criteria are applied strictly respecting the set standards. Security is foremost. The future pilots need to know that they are expected to meet the criteria and oraju znati da trebaju zadovoljiti tražene kriterije imajući neprekidno na umu sigurnost letenja.” 

Lt Herna and Lt Krejčirik have only the words of commendation and positive impressions from the training. . are commening declare satisfaction with the training zadovoljni su obukom i dojmovi su im više nego pozitivni. Obuku su ocijenili izazovnom, a za instruktore su rekli da su profesionalci koji rade dobar posao te im na pravi način prenose svoja znanja i iskustva.  Njihovi pozitivni dojmovi samo su još jedna potvrda da u ovoj Eskadrili, u kojoj su odnedavno i helikopteri OH-58D Kiowa Warrior rade dobar posao. 

“The Helicopter Squadron has sufficient human and technical potential required to administer this training programme. We also rely on the experience of our colleagues of the Fixed-wing Squadron, who have trained the pilots of the Royal Air Force of the Sultanate of Oman. The co-operation with the Czech pilots has confirmed the capability of the Helicopter Squadron to train the pilots from foreign countries“.  

The Croatian and the Czech Air Force pilots have had excellent co-operation for years in the joint training of the multinational air advisory teams (AAT-PTC) mentoring the members of the Afghanistan Air Force.