Austrian Special Forces train in Split

Continuing the productive bilateral co-operation between the Croatian and Austrian special forces within the CEDC iniiative, the members of the Austrian Jagdkommando arrived to Split in June, to conduct military diving drills and small boats tactics in the Lora Navy Port and in the Split […]

Continuing the productive bilateral co-operation between the Croatian and Austrian special forces within the CEDC iniiative, the members of the Austrian Jagdkommando arrived to Split in June, to conduct military diving drills and small boats tactics in the Lora Navy Port and in the Split Aquatorium.
The diving drill comprised safe night rowing and kayak navigation, using the state-of-the-art rebreathers, intended for tech diving which enable diving at depths below 50 – 60 m.
Major Michael Novony, the T&E Officer announced more activities in the future, as well as a joint exercise of many nations’s special forces to be conducted in Split in November. “The members of the Austrian Special Forces, representing the Austrian Armed Forces here in Croatia are appreciating and glad to be given the opportunity to stay in Split, offering a perfect setting for our training and to work with the Croatian special forces“.
Major Michael Novotny, Training and Education Officer
Some bilateral training activities have been going on for the past fifteen years, and have taken momentum within the Central European Defence Co-operation initiative. The emphasis in the co-operation is placed on military diving and small boats tactics. I believe the co-operation will be intensified and expanded to include more domains in the future.  We have an bilateral exercise planned in November 2015 which will cover several aspects of maritime special operations, with participation of special forces of several other countriesl. 
The Central European Defence Cooperation (CEDC) is a forum of Central European countries (Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic), aimed at enhancing their defence co-operation, in line with the principles of EU Common Security and Defence Policy.
The underlying idea of CEDC is to explore the possibilities of capability pooling and sharing against the restricted defence budgets to maintain, enhance and further specialisation of defence capabilities through mutually beneficial co-operation.