Patria vehicles transported to Hohenfels for Combined Resolve IV

The Croatian Armed Forces have sent a major contingent of participants (59 members of the Motorised Coy of the “Tigrovi“ Battalion of the Croatian Army) for the military exercise Combined Resolve IV to be held in the USA Training Area in Hohenfels, Germany. On 11 […]

The Croatian Armed Forces have sent a major contingent of participants (59 members of the Motorised Coy of the “Tigrovi“ Battalion of the Croatian Army) for the military exercise Combined Resolve IV to be held in the USA Training Area in Hohenfels, Germany.

On 11 May the respective equipment (14 Patrias, two MAN trucks and three containers storing smaller equipment) was loaded onto train and transported from the Zagreb rail terminal towards the Exercise venue (the  JMRC near Hohenfels, Germany), escorted by 15 members of the Company, while the major component travelled by road.
“This has been our first transporting of mechanised vehicles, weapons and ammunition necessary  for a month-long exercise. We have not had a large-scale railway transport of equipment since the end of the Homeland War. The transportation to Germany has been arranged in co-operation with the Croatian Railways ,the Agit and the DB Schenker shipping companies from Zagreb“, said Lieutenant Colonel Željko Stipić, Head of the Procurement and Transportation Department of the Croatian Army.
First Lieutenant Amnel Begić of the “Tigrovi“ Battalion, the commander of the column has described the units’ members procedures in preparation of the the Patrias for the 26-h long journey.  They will use them in the major Exercise of NATO partner countries directed by USAREUR, aimed at strengthening NATO’s response force.
Upon the arrival to Germany and the offloading, the vehicles and the containers will be transported by 12-km road to the Training Area at Hohenfels . The Exercise completed , the assets will on 6 June be transported back to Zagreb (due to arrive on 7 June), and to the home barracks“Predrag Matanović“ in Petrinja respectively.