• Croatian Navy marks 29th anniversary 

    “The Croatian maritime tradition dates far back in history, and its most glorious moment are your feats and patriotism during the Homeland War. You are the greatest value of the Croatian Navy"

  • Navy Training at ADRION 19

    The navies of Albania, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia participated in LIVEX ADRION 19, the aim of which was to reinforce the ties and mutual understanding among the participating countries’ navies as well as develop their …

  • Indijska ratna mornarica

    Indijska ratna mornarica jedna je od najbrže rastućih pomorskih sila današnjice. Nakon stjecanja neovisnosti, doživjela je veliku promjenu. Od nekadašnje kolonijalne mornarice evoluirala je u modernu mornaricu sa strateškim zadaćama i …